
Showing posts from February, 2025

A New Day 1: Integrity and Spiritual Ecology

I’ve mentioned several times within this blog that I graduated with my Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from a school called the University of Santa Monica.  One of the concepts that is taught at USM is a concept called spiritual ecology. Spiritual ecology is the practice of reviewing all of your commitments and discarding any commitments that no longer serve.  At the same time, the practice calls for recommitting and/or reevaluating any commitments you plan on keeping.  My teachers always advised us to be realistic about our commitments for it is far better to under commit and complete what you have committed to then to overcommit and to leave it undone.   This practice, both supports and highlights a quality which is essential to any spiritual practice—the quality of integrity.  The heart of integrity emphasizes honesty and keeping one’s word.  In the spirit of that, I feel that I must be completely transparent in writing this blog.  I committ...

A New Beginning: Catalyst

Sixteen months ago, I wrote what I thought would be the beginning of a whole new phase for this blog.  After I wrote it, though, a funny thing happened—everything that could go wrong went wrong.   Of course, I’ve been walking a conscious, intentional spiritual path long enough to know that these types of things happen for all kinds of reasons— most of which have to do with a call to inner growth .  The woman sitting here today writing this blog entry is not the same woman that wrote the entry in November 2023.  The adversity that I’ve experienced since the last blog entry has changed me;  it’s made me a better person— more resilient, more open to the possibilities encompassed by the spiritual pursuit of excellence.   For years now, I’ve been studying metaphysics, spiritual psychology, and many other genres of spirituality.  I have left no stone unturned in my quest for spiritual understanding.   As I wrote in the very first entry of this blog back...