
Showing posts from November, 2023

Day 150: Into the Mystic

It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve completed a blog entry. The project is working beyond a shadow of a doubt although to the naked eye, my world looks a touch on the chaotic side. The practice itself was suspended on September 15 when I was illegally kicked out of the sober living where I was residing, and  the last 6 1/2 weeks have been an exercise instead of listening to my intuition, following all divine guidance, practicing gratitude for everything, and yielding to the Will of the Divine.  Several years ago in 2010, I went to see a psychic who told me that she was getting an image that communicated that I was sitting inside the eye of the storm similar to a tornado.  She said, although it appeared that everything was swirling and crumbling around me, I was completely safe within the eye of the storm.  She said that I had done so much work in the spiritual realm that the physical world was having a hard time keeping up but I was right on course.  She also to...