Day 150: Into the Mystic

It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve completed a blog entry. The project is working beyond a shadow of a doubt although to the naked eye, my world looks a touch on the chaotic side. The practice itself was suspended on September 15 when I was illegally kicked out of the sober living where I was residing, and  the last 6 1/2 weeks have been an exercise instead of listening to my intuition, following all divine guidance, practicing gratitude for everything, and yielding to the Will of the Divine. 

Several years ago in 2010, I went to see a psychic who told me that she was getting an image that communicated that I was sitting inside the eye of the storm similar to a tornado.  She said, although it appeared that everything was swirling and crumbling around me, I was completely safe within the eye of the storm.  She said that I had done so much work in the spiritual realm that the physical world was having a hard time keeping up but I was right on course. 

She also told me that she had a vision of locusts eating away at all that had been and yielding the space for all that was to be. She said that she could see grasshoppers all around me and that I was far from taking baby steps an; I was in actuality learning by evolutionarily leap to paraphrase.

And this project has been an exercise and a journey into the mystical. It has beckoned for an awakening and followed that beckoning with an invitation to quest deep within the realms of mysticism itself.  While the project itself was scheduled for completion today, I am holding in grateful awe instead with a list of 13 book titles and the God-given inspiration to become a published spiritual author.— a dream I have held for more than 20 years now.

This list is a direct culmination of the project and was revealed through the mystical gift of divine inspiration. As these miraculous five months come to completion today, I am left simply with the experience of self love, awesome reverence and gratitude for the Divine, a rock solid faith unlike any I have possessed at any other time in this lifetime, and a deep and urgent need to continue this quest into the mystical.  

As there is so much more to know and experience, I have changed my commitment to 365 DAYS OF INSPIRED TRANSFORMATION.  The project itself will now complete on June 4, 2024.  I pray, dear reader, that this journey so far has served to light your path, if only a little, as you travel your own spiritual, mystical path.  I request once again as always that God bless and keep you always until my next entry.  

“Into the Mystic”,  Van Morrison
Moondance, February 1970, Warner Brothers


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