Day 87: "The Fragrance the Violet Sheds"
A couple weeks ago, I woke up with the most excruciating pain in my upper back between my shoulder blade and my spine. It literally felt like someone was driving a knife through my back. And the worst part of it is that the pain radiates down my arm into my elbow making it impossible to move without pain. I now have one sleeping position, (flat on my back), and it's not the way that I normally sleep--not comfortably anyway. It's the only thing that relieves the pain, though. I did see a chiropractor who said he felt like it was a pinched nerve which makes sense, but I know too much to accept that simple explanation. About 10 years ago, I woke up with hip pain that was so bad that I ended up dragging myself and my leg out of my Bikram Yoga class. I have only left the room twice in my yoga practice, but the pain was so bad I had to leave. The gift of that experience was that it introduced me to the work of Dr. John Sarno and his ...