Day 59: In the Palm of His Hand

It's been almost two months now, and the project is going far better than I had ever imagined it could—And that's an understatement.  The book list continues to unfold, and at this point, it now contains 100 titles.  It amazes me still every time a new title is given to me in the silence.  

This week, I was wrapping up some writing when I heard very distinctly, "The Language of Letting Go".  It was a daily meditative reader that I used to read close to 10 years ago now, and as I went to write down the title I heard, "Melody Beattie".  Of course, when I checked who the author was because I couldn't actually remember, it was Melody Beattie.  

It's extraordinary, really.  I know I have said that repeatedly, but sometimes, I just have to pinch myself.  I mean, if you really break it down, what happened is I sent out an SOS signal to God, and he answered--quite explicitly.  The truth is that I am walking through perhaps the most miraculous series of events that have ever happened to me.  I just finished filling an 80-page notebook (front and back) with the guidance/ instructions that I have received.   That's over 160 pages of guidance, and when I glance back over it, it has a very clear narrative to it.  It's literally like I am being taken by the hand by God himself into the next chapter of my life, and I am beyond grateful!!!  Words can not express my gratitude! 

Yesterday morning, my alarm went off at 6 am, and I just could not get out of bed.  I had been instructed in my guidance to begin my practice at 6 am, but I managed to press the snooze button until around 6:20.  When I finally did manage to get out of bed, I heard, "Warring with Love about your start time.  Courtesy and respect for God (and his instructions) please".   Slightly on the miraculous side, don’t you think?  I am being taught, first hand, to walk with courtesy, respect, humility and gratitude in everything that I do.  

In my morning prayer practice, I have been asking every day that God take all my hopes and dreams, my relationships, my life and everything that I want for it and in it, and I metaphorically place it in the Palm of His Hand.  I ask only that His Will Be Done as I was instructed to do right from the beginning of this project.  During my visualization every day, I visualize being utilized for service to help people in any way that I can.  I visualize my life working in a way that brings me ultimate joy, and I visualize all the details of what that would look like.  I use affirmations, and I bring myself into a place of heartfelt gratitude and extreme joy as I walk for 30 minutes to my favorite music.  And I thank God for everything that I am visualizing as if it has already happened.  I have been instructed that this too is a prayer.

And I am so grateful to all of the teachers that are collectively responsible for my visualization practice as it currently stands:  Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Rhonda Byrne, Joe Dispenza, Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Ron and Mary Hulnick from the University of Santa Monica, Napoleon Hill and all the teachers in the movie "The Secret". It is definitely one of the most transformative spiritual technologies that I have incorporated into my practice.  

And speaking of my practice, I have redesigned it so that it is more sustainable.  I removed the mirror work as it just wasn't getting done; my heart wasn't in it as an exercise, so I let it go.  I also removed the journaling as that has been replaced with talking to God directly in my morning prayer practice.  It was successful, though.  My journaling brought me back into relationship with God, and I will be forever grateful for that.  

Even with the streamlined practice, my days are still quite busy.  As I mentioned, my morning practice begins at 6 am and usually takes until about 10:30 to complete depending upon what the day holds.  I then spend about 30 minutes a day doing the daily lessons from "The Purpose-Driven Life" by Rick Warren and "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne.  I have then been instructed that I am to dedicate a minimum of 1 hour to my curriculum which consists of the book list as it has been given to me, and the order that I am to listen to everything in has also been given to me.  I am currently listening to "The Disappearance of the Universe" by Gary Renard.   

A really big portion of the day is usually spent transcribing the guidance that I receive into a notebook, so I have it all in one place.  I am still close to a week behind right now as there has, miraculously, been so much of it.  I have found that transcribing it is really helpful in integrating the message that is being conveyed through the guidance itself and in ascertaining what the overall take-away is.  I usually finish with what I can accomplish in any given day at around 9 pm.

On Saturday, I heard something astounding as I was transcribing my guidance.  I heard:  

"An answered prayer love God.  Driving the point home.  Gratitude and reflection are required here.  You were beaten, and you turned to God for help, and God answered and came to your rescue.  To sum up....."

And then, once again, I heard the first few lyrics of a song**:

**The Fray, "You Found Me"
The Fray, Epic, 2008


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