Day 103: The Beauty of Being Realistic
Today is Day 102. There are only 48 days left in the most extraordinary project that I have ever experienced. This is not the first project that I have designed for myself. There have been many. My intention with all of them has been to raise my level of consciousness and to restore peace and harmony to my life. This one has by far been the most miraculous. In 2010, my mother was diagnosed with cancer; it was an incredibly challenging time in my life as well as a profound crucible put before me by God. I was suffering intensely although to the casual observer, it probably didn't appear that way. Above all, I wanted to stay conscious and present for her so I designed a project. Upon it's completion, I named it the Joy Quest and began a blog similar to this one, although, in the wake of her death, it never reached completion.
The project consisted of a 90 day challenge in Bikram Yoga which I completed in 110 days, 30 minutes of breathwork, 30 minutes of meditation and daily reading of one of my favorite spiritual authors Joel Goldsmith. It lasted 110 days as I mentioned above until my mother was too sick for me to continue it. I completed it successfully.
During the project, I had an extraordinary spiritual experience. I was walking into Westwood in Los Angeles to get my mother some lunch during one of her chemotherapy treatments, and I was suddenly struck with a joy that I had never experienced before. The joy was so full that I could not stop smiling, and it lasted for over 3 hours. There was nothing different in my life circumstantially: my mother was still sick and possibly dying from cancer but the ineffable joy was still present. It was other-worldly.
It made me realize that perhaps this was the real fabric of my soul and that the other emotions that I had been feeling were possibly optional. The experience changed my life. I had what I have mentioned before: "a miracle, a shift in perception" as is stated in A Course in Miracles.
With the project almost complete and the miracles continuing, I stand in awe of God and the Work of His Hands. In closing today, I share with you this:
--Bhagwan Shree Rajineesh
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