Day 95: Something Astounding

In 2003, I was completely immersed in the work of Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker.  I completed his Mastery University that year and went through his Leadership Academy.  I lived and breathed his work.  I began to listen to his "Get the Edge" program and, more specifically, to his Daily Magic exercise which was the last CD in the series.  In his Daily Magic program, he teaches something he calls incantations which is 15 to 60 minutes of gratitude, affirmations and visualization.  It is magnificent!!  I will always be grateful to him for changing my life in the many different ways that he has including through his incantations practice.

I began using his Daily Magic back then to visualize everything that I wanted for my life as well as to practice gratitude for everything that I already had.  Although I've changed the soundtrack a bit here and there over the years, I've basically been practicing it ever since.   That practice has walked me through all kinds of big changes in my life, and I'm thoroughly convinced, that it is at least partly responsible for my success in the speaking contest I was in in 2012.  I finished in the top 5 out of 130 participants after practicing incantations over a period of 4 months.  The rest of the credit I give to God. 

Naturally, when I was designing my treatment plan for the project, I wanted to include what I now call my Gratitude Walk/ Visualization practice.  It's the very same practice that I learned from Tony over 20 years ago.  After watching "The Secret" in 2006 and listening to "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne and other teachers like Joe Dispenza and "Becoming Supernatural", I was completely gung-ho about recreating my life using my incantations practice.  Each one of them teaches that your thoughts/ energy create your reality.  Having seen the Secret at least 20 times and having listened to the book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles, I had become convinced that my sincerest efforts through my Visualization (Incantations) walk would recreate my life.  

In the course of walking every day over the last 3 months, something astounding happened.   I had an extraordinary spiritual experience.  About 4 weeks ago, when I began to play my music and got ready to begin my affirmations, I opened my mouth to speak and the only words that would come out for the following 90 minutes were "thank you".   It was mind-blowing, and it was not lost on me!  There was and still is so much to be grateful for but the experience of not being to say anything but that was absolutely awe-inspiring.

Meister Eckhart, the German theologian and mystic, said "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."  As I continued over several days of "thank you" walking, I couldn't help but think about that quote.   It seems to me at this point in the project that gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the universe and that it is upward of numero uno to God.

After a couple days of that, the experience changed to one of silent revelation where words were just not possible, and I was made to listen for the entire walk.  At this point, I have an entire musical library filled with music that I was instructed to download over the course of the project, and each song has a message in it as I have explained in other blog entries.  I was instructed during my walks to simply listen to the message of each song as I walked in silence metaphorically hand in hand with God.  

After weeks of not being able to participate in my visualization walks the way I usually do, I noticed that there is still a part of me that feels like I need to do this "recreate my life" thing all by myself.   I have always been a self-reliant person relying wholly on myself to get whatever I needed accomplished, and the experience of not being able to do the visualization incantations caused a couple moments of panic.  And then I got it.  One of the primary objectives of my project has been God-reliance, and here it was being shown to me as plain as day:  "My Grace is sufficient for you" as Jesus said in 2 Corinthians 12:9.  In other words, God was teaching me that He was in charge of my life and that my reliance on Him was the key to what I have been looking for.  

And so I continue walking every day and practicing what I have been instructed is in it's highest form "A Listening", and I take the actions that I am instructed to take to the best of my ability.  As a result, and as I have previously reported, I have continued to experience miracle after miracle.  My shoulder that I wrote about last week has been totally and completely healed with the simple application of emotional release writing and deep forgiveness work on a daily basis over the course of 19 days.  I am profoundly grateful to God.

This morning while I was sitting in my morning prayer practice, I heard yet another song playing in consciousness followed by the following phrase:  "Your instructions love Jesus and God".  

Have an extraordinary and joy-filled week!


Tim McGraw, "Humble and Kind"

Damn Country Music, Big Machine, 2016


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