
Showing posts from July, 2023

Day 52: You Have to Cry All of Your Tears

When I was in school at the University of Santa Monica pursuing my Master's Degree in Spiritual Psychology, my professors would always say that whenever you are grieving "you have to cry all of your tears".   That has certainly been my experience.  I have gone through the grief cycle more than one time in my life, and it isn't always about the death of a loved one.  Most of the grief work that I did in my 30's was based on my parent's divorce although I really didn't understand that until I got to the bottom of it.  Because I've done the work before, it's fairly easy to recognize it when the opportunity for emotional release appears again.  Grief doesn't always make sense, and it isn't always felt in proportion to current circumstances.  Sometimes the necessity for tears is bigger than the situation seems to warrant.  In all cases, I have learned through conscious grieving to embrace the opportunity when it does appear, to grab it with both...

Day 45: Observing the Mystical

"Observing the Mystical--that's the name of the game".  I heard that on June 2 which was 3 days before the project even began.  It's Day 45 today, and the guidance continues to roll in.  Truth be told, I am rather awe-struck at what this project has delivered so far.  My intention was to develop a treatment plan for my life circumstances that might just open the doors to the possibility of heavenly assistance in guiding me to a solution for how to start my life over again.  As part of that treatment plan, I also set the intention to read/ study the top authors in spirituality and personal development in search of additional solutions and inspiration.  In looking back over the resulting instructions that have since unfolded, the outcome so far has been more than miraculous! The book list, which began accumulating on Day 2 of the project, has been given to me over the last 44 days and now has over 75 titles on it.  As I have described before, some of the...

Day 36: Stepping in to the Miraculous

My intention with this blog and project is to report as honestly and transparently as possible about the events that have transpired as the result of this project. While there is too much that has gone on to describe it all in detail here, the plan is to deliver the summary of it with each post with emphasis on the most important events.  I have been acting as an observer to it all and taking careful notes of all the guidance and all the miracles that have occurred since the project's inception.  The notes have amounted to a collection of instructions that at this point fill half of a spiral notebook.    Since it all began around the middle of May with the idea for this project, I have been wary of putting my complete faith in what I have been experiencing.   Given that, I decided that the best way to go about it would be, as I have already mentioned, to stay grounded and just to collect the data of everything I experienced as the result of the project....